Tuesday, April 20, 2021

Victorian Hills: gaslighting

Now how appropriate is that...

Victorian Hills: Now we're getting down to it...

"Evangelicals tried their level best to smear and shame any person or organization who didn’t behave or believe appropriately in order to forcibly craft a society according to their Christian values."

Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Saturday, March 20, 2021

Van Terra: this week's episode: Reproductive Rights

Too bad you missed it! (again, that's the nature of the anti-work, anti-ability forces...)

Thursday, March 18, 2021

Victorian Hills 2012, a century ahead of its time

 "We've taken care of everything, the words you read, the songs you sing, the pictures that give pleasure to your eyes."

Monday, March 15, 2021

Victorian Hills roundup

Where the anti-education, anti-work, anti-ability, anti-social, anti-safety, anti-life forces rule! (religious wingnuts, of course)

Friday, March 12, 2021

Van Terra Chugs again!

One dead computer later, and we're back at it: celebrating seven years of success, in spite of the anti-work, anti-ability, anti-social forces of Victorian Hills!

Saturday, March 6, 2021

Commandments - revised x

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Letter to a Landlord

I'm sorry if you're still having trouble adjusting to local society.
The "Commandments" I provided are real life advice from real life
residents of the area.
Possibly helpful as well: the Kitchener branch of the Canadian Mental Health Association might be able to help you adjust:
I strongly suspect you are a religious person; in that case you may
find that your religious ideas (including your inflexible insistence)
are ineffective in a free society.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Commandments - revised ix

Victorian Hills Commandments
(actual quotes/directives, including doctors and law enforcement)
[11] "marry a rich lady"
[12] "grow a pair"
[13] be heterosexual - or else
[14] "stop wearing a hoodie"
[15] "ballet is only for girls"
[16] "you can rub it" [defense of child marriage]
[17] some people are "enemies"
[18] "no need to take them seriously" [health care]
[19] 'diversity' is selective/tactical
[20] 'helper elves' are invaribly half clothed
[21] race has a dollar value
[22] "try to think clearly"
[23] scams are "truly Canadian"
[24] be a religious person - or else
[25] thou shalt reproduce - or else
[26] we will have "no gearboxes around here"
[27] thou shalt covet "those extra-dark nipples"
[28] obey or we will "tell them what you are"
[29] 'lesbian' is the new cocksucker
[30] medicine is a branch of politics
(and there's more! stick around...)

Fluid and crystallized intelligence


[1] Landlord (to all tenants): 'please be considerate of others for noise'
[2] Me: they're making noise again (24th email; across three years now)
[3] Landlord (previously sent emails to noisy tenants): 'I don't know what you want me to do about it' - 'I can't figure this out'
[5] Tenants: we can't figure it out, either [1]