Saturday, November 30, 2019

"How the TV warmed the Siamese cat" (Freestone Wilson)

Likewise, my idea of exercise: two hours of sinking baskets from the three point line (for many weeks I did this)
Victorian Hills response: send a pack of elves to help me do it the 'right way' (which didn't last one day)
Again, the 'helper' people obcessed with 'social templates'

Friday, November 29, 2019

And flew the bunting

Window dressing overhaul under way, per inventory (Victorian Hills Commandments)
Yielding only... *new* window dressing, of course

Faux Canada : Victorian Hills

Faux neighbours, faux professionals as far as the eye can see... #shrug
NB post immediately followed by "you have logged out from another location" ;)



"The Haters"

Is that irony? ;)

Monday, November 25, 2019

Victorian Hills Commandments

Victorian Hills Commandments
(actual quotes/directives)
1 marry a rich lady
2 grow a pair
3 be heterosexual
4 stop wearing a hoodie
5 ballet is only for girls
6 "you can rub it"  [defense of child marriage]
7 some people are "enemies"
8 diversity is limited
9 'helper elves' are invariably half clothed

Твиттея ii

I imagine someone panicked, thinking Твиттея is letter for letter "Twitter" (not allowed in your profile name) #lmao #doofus

And for the nth time ;)

Diversity hypocrisy

Those 'diversity' folks who don't want 'too much' diversity, such as those who might make them think too hard

Kill as bait

Very confident a gamer could figure this out. Maybe some day I'll draw the reveal ;)


Again an alphabetical/linguistic mishmash : 'tveet-tyah
Guessing "Twitter" would be : Твитор

Mirror of vanity, definitive

We will help you - or else

'Diversity' does not exclude gamers, etc.

Many people have yet to learn this, evidently

Sunday, November 3, 2019


Forget paper ...