Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Commandments - revised

Victorian Hills Commandments
(actual quotes/directives)
11 marry a rich lady
12 grow a pair
13 be heterosexual
14 stop wearing a hoodie
15 ballet is only for girls
16 "you can rub it" [defense of child marriage]
17 some people are "enemies"
18 diversity is limited
19 'helper elves' are invariably half clothed
20 race has a dollar value
21 "try to think clearly"

Sunday, December 29, 2019

Thursday, December 26, 2019

Tuesday, December 24, 2019

Religion is still in play

And evidently no one really gives a damn about religion (theirs or anyone else's)
Again (always), religion is all about sex

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Saturday, December 21, 2019

Another price hike...

This one in response to testing a theory...
Apparently this isn't covered by "try to think clearly"...
I promise I'll try to do better... ;)
See A truly Canadian business and A truly Canadian business ii

You may choose freely from our list of approved commitments

We've sabotaged all the others

Friday, December 20, 2019

Where race has a dollar value

"Try to think clearly"
Addendum: currently about two twenty-five a day, apparently...

Thursday, December 19, 2019

"A truly Canadian business" (local authorities) ii

Attendants: "government regulations"

Receipts are spotty (wasn't meant to be a 'sting')...
Thanks partly to those same 'local authorities' for the comparison (second column), who advised me to simply 'go to another store'...
This is (partly) for the girls on the corner, who (again) those same 'local authorities' believe bought 'too many cartons' at the local 'reservation'...

Monday, December 16, 2019

Victorian Hills: zeitgeist

"What are you, GAY?"

Moving goalposts

Well, if we can't get him to be heterosexual, we'll at least pretend we were supportive all along - just forget that part about screening out homosexuals #coughcough

Friday, December 13, 2019

"A truly Canadian business" (local authorities)

Attendants: "try to think clearly"
Week 1
Brand x available
Brand y available
Brand z available
Week 2
Brand x available
Brand y "they stopped making them"
Brand z available
Week 3
Brand x "they stopped making them"
Brand y "they stopped making them"
Brand z "they stopped making them"
Week 4
Brand x "they started making them again"
Brand y "they stopped making them"
Brand z available
Week 5
Brand x available
Brand y "they stopped making them"
Brand z "they stopped making them"

Thursday, December 12, 2019


Victorian Hills is the domain of a uh, certain religion
At least in this part of the country, 'diversity' is window dressing indeed

Exercise ii

Him: I can't do that, I'm so poorly coordinated
Me: which means you'll miss more often; which means you'll be running after the ball more often; which means even *more* exercise - where's the problem in that?

Wednesday, December 11, 2019

Oh... I should 'ping' once in a while

(More) faux concern incoming from various directions...

Tuesday, December 3, 2019

Old hat

Him: "In the Koran, women are gold"
Me: Er, have you even *read* the Koran...!?
Him: [no reply]